Performance 日历



达雷尔Babidge is chair of the voice faculty at The Juilliard School. Darrell was born in Bournemouth, England. He graduated from the Royal Northern 大学 of 音乐 in the U.K in vocal performance and received his Master’s degree from Brigham Young University and his Professional degree in vocal performance from the Manhattan School of 音乐, funded by Birgitt Nilsson. While still a student, he performed the title role of Britten's ‘Owen Wingrave’ with the Glyndebourne Festival Opera and London Philharmonic Orchestra. Darrell has performed in Europe, 美洲和亚洲, and in venues that include the 纽约大都会歌剧院 and Carnegie Hall.

Darrell joined the Juilliard 声乐艺术 department in the fall of 2019. He also began teaching the 纽约大都会歌剧院 Lindemann Young Artists and the Fellow Scholars of Lin-Manual Miranda (‘Hamilton’) in 2020. He was on the voice faculty at Brigham Young University from 2006-2019, and taught the Utah Opera Resident Artists and the Arizona Opera Studio Artists as their resident teacher. During the summer he is a vocal coach with Dolora Zajick at the Institute for Young 戏剧tic 的声音s, and will be teaching at 圣达菲歌剧院 this year.

His students have recently sung at the Royal Opera House, Gran Teatre del Liceu, 纽约大都会歌剧院, 休斯顿大剧院, Semperoper德累斯顿, Bayerische Staatsoper, 那就是 tre du ch telet, 剧院圣. 加伦, 柏林德意志歌剧院, 这个真实的, 热那亚歌剧院, 维也纳国家歌剧院, Seattle Opera and San Francisco Opera. Before joining The Juilliard School faculty, students were accepted into young artist and summer programs, including the 纽约大都会歌剧院 Lindemann Young Artist Program, 休斯顿大剧院 Young Artists’ Vocal Academy, San Francisco Opera Adler Fellowship Program, Merola Opera Program, Glimmerglass Festival, 莱诺克斯, 陷阱狼歌剧, 圣达菲歌剧院, 中城歌剧院, Aspen 音乐 Festival, 西方学院, 拉维尼亚音乐节, 肖陶扩村歌剧, and Opera Theatre of St. 路易. His students have also been on ‘The 的声音’ and ‘America’s Got Talent’.

His students have become winners of the following competitions: 纽约大都会歌剧院 National Council, 乔治·伦敦, Operalia, Eleanor McCollum (休斯顿大剧院), Licia-Albanese Puccini, 和Naumburg. Students have also recorded for Decca, Deutsche Grammaphon and Sony, with a nomination for a Grammy award. 女高音, Rachel Willis-Sørensen was a guest artist on Jonas Kaufmann’s album ‘Wien’ in 2019 and will record her first solo album for Sony this year.

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